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Prefinishing Cedar Shingles
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Finishes can be applied after your Cedar Shingles or Panels are installed. However, prefinishing is a more efficient and economical approach.
On Site Prefinishing
Shingles should be clean and dry before any coating is applied. The surface should also be brushed to remove loose wood fibers.
Bundles of Siding Panels should be opened by cutting the strapping and the panels separated at a spot as close as possible to where they will be installed. They may be placed flat on saw horses or a simple lumber-framed inclined rack for ease of finishing.
Brush application is always recommended for both better penetration and greater uniformity. A natural bristle brush is best with oil-base products, and a synthetic bristle brush is best with latex. Brush pad and roller are also good methods. Spray application is an acceptable second choice and, with oil-base products, must be followed immediately by back-brushing or dry-rolling.
Local prefinishing
Custom prefinishing facilities now operate in most sections of the country. These firms will take Siding Panels delivered to them, separate the bundles, prefinish to your specification, and rebundle for delivery or your pick-up.
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