This porch invites you out of the snow with delightful details from Vintage Woodworks.
FRONT PORCH - Closer view SR 6 Spandrel Brackets on either side of 9'' Traditional Spandrels provide strong
visual interest, and because Brackets are beside rather than below Spandrels,
headroom at the steps is maximized.
FRONT PORCH - Close-up of the top portion of porch
Notice use of Post Face Brackets and Repeating Brackets to create the Third Dimension.
This is particularly effective when viewed from a distance (see first photo).
The general design is continued on the smaller back porch.
It is just as inviting as the larger front porch.
BACK PORCH - Close-up
Compare the effect of smaller Repeating Cornice Brackets here on the
back porch versus the larger ones used on the front porch shown above.