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< Previous PageEnvironmental Commitment We are committed to production and office operations that minimize our impact on the environment. Many of these procedures have been a part of our daily routines long before "green" was such a buzz word! It's just part of our "fair and honest dealings"... for our staff, our customers, and the earth!
‘Wood’ You Believe?
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” cries Chicken Little in the ever-popular folk tale where an acorn hits Chicken Little on the head. She instills her fear in the minds of her friends as they race to tell the king. Most versions of this tale end with the worried fowl running straight into Foxy Loxy’s den, never to emerge.
How often have you heard "reducing paper and lumber use will save forests”? Obviously, if we use less paper and lumber, fewer trees will be harvested. But, despite what the flock may think, that is not the best plan! Nor is it the approach sustainable forestry managers use.
Indeed, Greenpeace co-founder and forest ecologist, Patrick Moore, Ph.D. says, “The claim that using wood somehow leads to forest loss is backwards and silly. Every time we use wood—every time we buy a 2x4 at a lumberyard or a ream of paper at an office supply store—we are in fact ordering up new trees for planting in forests. It is precisely because we use so much wood that we have so much forest.” Read more

The video below is a great illustration of the misunderstanding
concerning sustainable forests and the solution to this issue:
Click to watch now!
Environmentally Safe Synthetics
As the above article makes clear, when wood products are made from managed forests, it's a win-win-win for consumer, environment, and forest. Plus, there are many uses where nothing can replace real wood for its sheer beauty!
On the other hand, many of our products benefit from being made of synthetic materials due to less maintenance and hence, a lower cost of ownership over time.
However, each synthetic material we sell must pass our "looks like, sounds like, feels like, cuts like real wood" test because we don't want plastic-looking "fake" wood products on our own homes, and assume you don't either! Additionally, each of these synthetic materials must be gentle on the environment.
Read more.
Sources for 'Wood' You Believe? article & By the Numbers box:
Patrick Moore, Ph.D. forest ecologist and Greenpeace co-founder, from an Evergreen interview at the Boise Basin Experimental Forest near Idaho City, Idaho, September 2002
Print Grows Trees
U.S Forest Service