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The owner shared a copy of a photo taken about 1909. Although not of sufficient quality to reproduce here, it clearly shows wooden porch columns. It's likely a 'modernization' within the past 40 years substituted the plain brick columns.
Rather than replace the structurally sound brick columns, these enterprising owners elected to add wooden Half Posts on either side of each column. This provided an easy way to then add Spandrels, Brackets, and balustrade sections from Vintage Woodworks.
Attention now focuses on the decorative porch components while the brick columns assume a less prominent role. Notice also the subtle arch effect created by the Sun Ray Brackets.
The 1-1/2" diameter balls on these 7" Ball & Dowel Spandrels work much better than 1" diameter balls found on many of our other Ball & Dowel Spandrels. Likewise, the use of 3" size Traditional Turned Balusters is a wise choice.
The owners wrote: "The house we live in was built in 1893. A couple of years ago, we had decided that the house needed a Victorian porch and we began looking for the 'right look'. We like the results. Judging from the number of autos that stop out front to admire our house, others like it too."
- J. Kirchhoff, NJ
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