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Our pressure treated wood products are an environmentally responsible choice because they are treated with Copper Azole. Here's what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says about this modern wood preservative:
"Copper Azole is a water-based wood preservative that prevents fungal decay and insect attack; it is a fungicide and insecticide. There are two types of Copper Azole: A (CBA-A) and B (CA-B). The use of CBA-A has been generally supplanted by the newer CA-B product.
"Copper Azole Type B was standardized by the AWPA* in 2002 and is composed of copper (96.1%) and azole as tebuconazole (3.9%). Wood treated with CA-B has a greenish-brown color and little or no odor. CA-B is in widespread use throughout the United States and Canada.
"Water-based preservatives like copper azole leave wood with a clean, paintable surface after they dry. Copper Azole is registered for treatment of millwork, shingles & shakes, siding, plywood, structural lumber, fence posts, building and utility poles, land and freshwater piling, composites, and other wood products that are used in above-ground, ground contact and fresh water as well as in salt water splash (marine) decking applications."
* The American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) is the primary standard-setting body for pressure-treated wood. To become standardized by the AWPA, preservative-treated wood must undergo a series of rigorous tests to ensure its durability.
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