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1. Review all new item information (can be obtained from NPDS & Pricing spreadsheet).
A. Approved Name and SKU
B. Price and Options
C. Image and/or Icon graphic
D. List of Related Pages
2. Assign a specific URL for new item.
3. Fill in the following fields:
A. Name
(1) This text will be displayed in the cart.
(2) Avoid general Names such as 4x4 Cedar Balusters,(have more than one design).
a. If a different name for the Section is needed use the “Headline” field.
b. “Headline” field will be displayed on the actual page on screen
c. “Name” field will be the name displayed in the Left Navigation Bar.
(3) Do not include any html codes in the "Name" field.
B. Image
C. Code (SKU)
D. Price
(1) This field must not be left blank.
(2) Place a zero '0' if using another pricing method
E. Sale- price - this field only applied to BR items
F. Orderable - must be set to 'yes'
G. Options
(1) Use DEV programming where applicable.
(2) Do not include any html codes in the "Options" field.
H. Caption - all important info for this item that is not in the Info page of the category.
(1) If caption will have a pop-up window, Java script, at the beginning of the caption.
(2) Do not insert any blank lines before or after the Java script.
a. Java script:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript><!-- Hide Script from old browsers function testWindow(file) {newWindow = window.open(file,"logowin", win)newWindow.focus()}var win='toolbar=no,directories=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes, width=700,height=500'; // End hiding script from old browsers --></SCRIPT>
I. Abstract - program will add “Click for Details” automatically.
(1) If more than one size available, add “x Designs” where applicable in the Abstract.
J. Icon - only when icon differs from Image
4. Required Properties
A. MUST add “Cross-Sell-Ids” (type - Ids) for Related Pages.
B. MUST add “Page-title” (type - text)
6. Optional Properties:
A. Hide-Price-Initially
B. Price-Explanation
C. Initial-Price-Text
D. Baseprice
E. Layout
7. Update and review new item
A. Review item page and compare to a similar item
B. Make any necessary changes.
(1) Update and review.
(2) Repeat as needed.
8. Update any forms, Speed Note(s) and/or emails.
9. Get new Item page proofed and approved by Supervisor. Publish store.
See #1591.95.18 Editing Yahoo Store, General Info Procedure.
10. Test item by placing in cart after publishing
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