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(reviewed 11.25.13/gt)
Property Type = med-text
This property will be used on all Free Sample pages, such as Deck, Porch, Casing, and Baseboard Sample pages. Customers can select as many color samples as they desire and the price calculates properly. First 2 samples are FREE and each additional sample is a price set by management. Additional sample prices can be found on Product Pricing.xls
In order for this Property to work, the style script and the options below need to be inserted in the caption and option fields, and Price must be set to 0.
<style type="text/css">
#itemcheckboxes{padding-bottom: 20px;}
#itemcheckboxes label{display: block; width: 220px; float: left; margin: 5px 0 0 0;}
#itemcheckboxes input{}
#tr-totalnumberofsamplesordered{display: none;}
"Total Number of Samples Ordered"
"Please indicate TOTAL number of samples ordered, including 2 free ones"
"1 color"
"2 colors"
"3 colors (+$.50)"
"4 colors (+$1.00)"
"5 colors (+$1.50)"
"Total Number of Samples Ordered"
"Please indicate TOTAL number of samples ordered, including 2 free ones"
"1 sample"
"2 samples"
"3 samples (+$.50)"
"4 samples (+$1.00)"
"5 samples (+$1.50)"
Custom Properties
Checkboxes = med-text
Enter Checkbox options (in the Checkbox Property) one per line. They will display horizontally.
Each column is set to be a max of 220 pix with 5 pix padding between columns
Price-explanation = text
<font color=8C2118>Please Select Sample(s) to display Price:</font>
Initial-price-text = text
<font color=000000; size=-1>[displays after selecting Sample(s)]</font>
The script was at first designed for one page only. FP kindly changed so that we can use it on any given page. However, the functionality of the property is limited to plus pricing in the Options Field and currently is not compatible with other DEV options.
It is necessary to leave the "Total Number of Samples Ordered" dropdown present (although hidden), as without it, checking off more than 2 boxes will NOT register a proper price.
It is the Style/css line #itemPage-options{display: none;} that hides any options. Removing the "none from #itemPage-options{display: }, will allow additional options (added using baseprice Property) to be used and register correct additional amounts to price.
CHANGES MADE on 10/31/13
1. Changed "colors" to "samples" at Lib file name: /samples.js
2. Changed script on Porch, Deck, and Casing sample pgs
3. Changed "Options" field on all pages that use this property
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