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FP has provided a page (YS Edit Mode > Contents > fastpivot-data-export) for data exports. We can use it to search for specific text within Options:
NOTE - Only a mgr should edit the above page, and then only the 'field-list' custom property.
1. Edit field-list custom property to add/remove Field Names to get the data we need (one per line)
A. Do not modify any other fields on this page.
B. "ID" (URL) is always included by default without listing "ID" in field-list.
C. To search Options, typically "Name" and "Options" are all that is needed.
2. Copy (Select All) data from box at bottom of fastpivot-data-export and paste to Word doc.
3. Do desired text searches inside Word doc using Control - F (Find)
A. Type text string for search without quote marks around it
B. When an occurance of that text is found, scroll up in Word doc until you locate the Store Page Name so you will know which Store page contains this Option text.
C. Click to advance to next occurrence in Find Box.
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