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Call R + L - Urgent (also at new Signatures)
Items 58” or Longer
Ready for Shipment Today
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Hi ,
Your order shipped on <<>> by R + L Carriers. The tracking number is <<>>.
R + L Carriers has been unable to reach you at the number you gave us in order to schedule delivery. We have also left messages for you.
To avoid R + L Carriers storage fees and/or return freight charges it is extremely important that you give R + L Carriers a call at 866-393-4585.
If we can be of further assistance, please let us know.
The Folks at Vintage Woodworks
Phone: 903-356-2158
Fax: 903-356-3023
We believe information herein is accurate but cannot be responsible for errors or omissions. All recommendations made without guarantee. Information pertaining to structural integrity and design is presented for general reference only. You should observe local building codes. Our items are designed as decoratives. There are many additional uses but we cannot be responsible for any such use, nor for the installation of our products. We disclaim all liability incurred from the use of our products or the information provided herein, elsewhere, or verbally. We believe prices stated herein to be accurate but reserve the right to adjust prices. If so, you will be notified prior to finalizing your order.
Items 58” or Longer
If you order this item 58" or longer we will adjust your final printed invoice to offset the additional charge we have to pay the shipper. Read more about ordering 58" or longer.
We just replenished our inventory of this item yesterday and your order will ship today.