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Pop-up Format
Sale Listings Template (at Pop-up Pages)
Use when flattening pages where the Sale Listing would be too long to stay on the Item page.
1. Organize products in alphabetical order.
2. Within each product:
A. If only one size, thickness, and material, write size after product name.
B. If only one size and thickness but different materials, write size after product name,
and list items by thickness and material.
C. If two items of one size and one in another size, organize by thickness only.
D. If more than two items in each different size, organize by subcategory size,
with italicized subtitles for each size. In each subcategory organize by thickness.
E. If there is a size before the name, organize in alphabetical order, not according to the
size; but if there is more than one item with same name,organize by size.
F. If item it's made with finial, on italics write vertical installation and size.
G. If item it's listed as XS-XL; in bold and italics write the size, after that
on italics only write size by size.
Individual Item Page Format
Add the following to caption:
<Font Size=4 Color=8C2118> <b>SALE LISTINGS - Items listed below are 40% off! </b> <br />
<Font Color=8C2118> Online price <b> <i>cannot</i></b> calculate the Sale discount, but your <b><i>mailed</i></b> invoice or quote <i><b>will</b></i> show the discount. If your order exceeds the available Sale quantity listed below, extras will be at our regular price. </font> <br />
<insert thickness>" <insert Material>. <Qty> available <br />
result should look like the following:
SALE LISTINGS - Items listed below are 40% off!
Online price cannot calculate the Sale discount, but your mailed invoice or quote will show the discount. If your order exceeds the available Sale quantity listed below, extras will be at our regular price. " . available
Don't forget to insert thickness and material - remove < and > See Classic B&D Spandrels.
1. Existing Sale Listing
A. Continue to add items following existing format.
2. New Sale Listing
A. Copy the standard Sale Listing wording from above
B. If multiple sizes, list size in bold, smaller one first.
1) Leave a full blank line between sizes
2) Example:
7-1/2" x 11-1/2"
1-1/2" Pine. 2 available
1-1/2" Oak. 1 available
9-1/2" x 13-3/4"
3/4" PVC. 1 available (only framed, as shown)
Removing Sale Item
1. To remove/change a Sale Listing
A. Locate individual pg or popup
B. Edit page, edit as needed
C. Update page and review changes
2. Removing last Sale Listing Item from Individual Item pages
A. Remove Sale Listing from Caption on Individual Item pages
B. Removed the following from "Options" field:
"Sale Item? " "Select one"
"Yes, it is on Sale List."
"No, it is NOT on Sale List."
C. Remove link from Abstract
3. Removing last Sale Listing Item from Pop-up
A. Remove Sale Listing links form flattened page
1) Standard formatted pages will have 2 html links to pop-up
2) One above table & and below table
B. Remove the following from "Options" field:
"Sale Item? " "Select one"
"Yes, it is on Sale List."
"No, it is NOT on Sale List."
C. Remove link from Abstract
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