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Welcome! We're the largest manufacturer of solid wood traditional millwork for sale directly to the public. Since 1978, we've been
Bringing Back Yesterday in Quality & Service!

Do you have in mind the picture of porch you want to create for your own home? Or, perhaps you need a picture of porch that illustrates how to use our decorative items? At this website we share photos of porch ideas that will make you an expert in the lost art of designing and decorating traditional porches. If you have questions after looking over our usage photos, feel free to give us a call at 903-356-2158. We would love to assist with questions about sketching your own picture of porch just for your home. Vintage Woodworks was founded to reproduce old-fashioned, solid wood, handcrafted millwork. Since 1978, we've been ‘Bringing Back Yesterday in Quality and Service!’ Please don’t forget to send us your own picture of porch when your project is finished.
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