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If your exact "C" measurement is NOT listed in
the Compatibility Chart here's what you can do:
(or call us for assistance!)

1. The Compatibility Chart logic starts with
the "A" Width of a Crosshead, subtracts the "C" dimension, and halves what remains to determine the width of ONE Pilaster.
Examples: The first listed Crosshead (CHT5009) has an "A" Width of 50". Subtracting a "C" Dimension of 36" = 14". Half of that (7") remains for each side Pilaster. Or, starting with an "A" Width of 54" - 36" = 18"/2 = 9" for each Pilaster.
2. Consider what you can adjust to allow one of the Crossheads (and thus one of the Pediments) to work with your door or window width measurement (the "C" Dimension). For example, you can:
A. Move the Pilasters out a bit from the edges of your door or window. You can let a bit of the wall surface show past the inside edges of each Pilaster without visually impairing the overall effect.
Example: Your "C" Dimension is 35", a measurement NOT listed on the Compatibillity Chart. You can install your Pilasters with a "C" Dimension of 36", a "C" Dimension that IS on the Chart. This arrangement will leave 1/2" inch of wall visible inside each Pilaster's inside edge. That's not a problem.
B. Select a different Pilaster Width.
Example: Your "C" Dimension is 41", a measurement not listed on the Compatibillity Chart. Use a Crosshead with an "A" Width of 50" - 41" = 9"/2 = 4-1/2". Select Pilasters between 3-1/2" - 4-1/2" and overhang the Crosshead a bit if necessary.
C. Start with a slightly wider Crosshead. In other words, let the Crosshead extend beyond the Pilasters on each side. You can have up to 1" of overhang on each side and no one will really notice.
Example: Your "C" Dimension is 46", a measurement not listed on the Compatibillity Chart. You can use a Crosshead with an "A" Width of 66" - 46" = 20" - 18" (two 9" Pilasters) = 2". If you overhang each 9" Pilaster by 1" this will work.
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