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< Previous PageAluminum Base Mounting Plate Installation
(Not recommended for use on wooden floors.)
Follow Installation Instructions for type of Porch Posts you are installing to determine Post trimming, placement, etc.
1. Mark the 4 sides of Base Mounting Plate onto the floor by turning Base Mounting Plate upside down and using it as a template.
2. Drill into the floor at two opposing inside corners of your tracing. Remember to allow for thickness of Base Mounting Plate feet.
3. Place non-corrosive dowels, such as metal rods, screws, etc., in the two holes you have drilled. Make sure dowels do not exceed inside clearance of the Base Mounting Plate.
4. Check fit of Base Mounting Plate over the two rods.
5. Attach Base Mounting Plate to bottom of Post with screws.
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