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< Previous PageGraphics, Editing a Fireworks Graphic
1. Make sure EF has left graphic with ungrouped elements and is acsessible to edit parts.
2. Open the png version of the file on the i-Drive Server while in Fireworks.
A. File Menu > Open
B. Specify location (see 6B. below)
C. If it asks, "Maintain File Location"
3. Click on the element you want to change. (Double click to edit text.)
4. To move an element, select pointer tool (first one at top) and click arrow keys or drag.
5. Save (saves png)
A. Specify location on i-Drive Server. For SWS graphics this would be i-Drive >
40. Publishing > Images > Outside Our Numbering System > Sale Images
WS Graphics > Folder: 5.SWS
6. Save as jpeg
A. File Menu > Save As
B. Select .jpg in 2nd dropdown and save to same location as .png referenced above.
7. When finished with each Fireworks file be sure to close tab at top (x).
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