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Click 'Edit' then Click on 'Show Product'
Enter "C-25d" in the Code field
Enter "0.00" in the Price field
Change 'Orderable' to YES
Click "UPDATE"
C-2555 F C-2555 M C-2555 A C-2555 S C-2555 C C-2555 N
C-2580 F C-2580 M C-2580 A C-2580 S C-2580 C C-2580 N
C-2585 F C-2585 M C-2585 A C-2585 S C-2585 C C-2585 N
2555 F 2555 M 2555 A 2555 S 2555 C 2555 N
2580 F 2580 M 2580 A 2580 S 2580 C 2580 N
2585 F 2585 M 2585 A 2585 S 2585 C 2585 N
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