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  Product Details & Options - Wood & PVC Beadboard and V-Groove Board
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Available in random lengths from 6' through 15' or in specific whole foot lengths from 1' to 15'. Just select "Random Lengths" or the specific length you want from the "Length" pop-down on the Product Listing pages.
Price is the same for each of our 3 standard thicknesses: 3/8", 1/2", and 5/8". Custom thicknesses are available for an additional charge. Please inquire.
Measurements are from edge-to-edge, including the tongue. Actual installed width is from center-of-bead to center-of-bead (or from center-to-center of V-Groove).
Standard widths:
2-1/2" (installed width is about 2-1/4")
3-1/4" (installed width is about 3")
4-1/4" (installed width is about 4")
5-1/4" (installed width is about 5")
Custom Widths:
We can produce individual boards from 1-1/2" to 5-1/4" wide. If you order a non-standard width we will produce to that exact width but round the price up to the next larger standard width. Example:  A non-standard 3-1/2" width would be charged the 4-1/4" price.
When ordering custom widths to match existing Beadboard or V-Groove Board, please let us know if you are measuring installed boards from center-of-bead (or V-Groove) to center-of-bead (or V-Groove), or measuring uninstalled boards from edge-to-edge, including the tongue.
Extra Center Bead (or V-Groove) Option
If you like the look of closely spaced Beads (or V-Grooves) you may save money by ordering wider boards with an extra Center Bead (or V-Groove). That may be less expensive than ordering a larger quantity of narrower boards. Also, installation of fewer, wider boards may result in additional savings.
Not sure what you want? You can order Beadboard Samples or V-groove Samples.
We're here to help
If you find anything confusing, just
contact us.
Also see General Ordering Info and Shipping Info.
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